Saturday, September 18, 2010

School and more...

Wow, it has been a while, but so much to tell...This summer we discovered the kitchen fiasco of a leak that seeped under the house that resulted in a whole kitchen overhaul. After a summer full of drywall dust and hammering, we thankfully had great insurance and are now enjoying our new kitchen.
Austin has started middle school, I am in a different classroom (Deaf & Hard of Hearing, Pre-K), and school is still keeping me more than busy. Austin is adjusting to the workload of middle school and seems to like it. He is in band, playing the trumpet. He often rides his bike from my work to school, which is not too far. The other days, my dear friend picks him up for me. I am on the tail end of my last Algebra class (can I get a hallelujah?) Whew, it has been a lot harder and time consuming than any other class thus far. But the good news is, if I keep at my current pace, the end of February I will have my Associates in Elementary Ed. and will have another 18 months or so until I have my Bachelors.
Work is ever so fun and realized over the course of the summer that I would be in the DHH PreK class. It is fun working with these precious children every day. I am learning sign language and using it a lot! I am learnng so much from everyone around me. I feel I will be prepared when it is time to have my own classroom. I feel more than blessed to be able to work in this environment as I am studying to be an educator...not everyone has this opportunity.
God has known exactly where I need to be over these last few years as I have made the career move and started back to school. I am thankful for the opportunities that are available and praying that I can keep it up to see the degree that I have put off for way to long!

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