Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Flood of 2009

We are very fortunate that our house didn't get much damage, just a little wet carpet and some water in our garage. There are so many people that live not too far from us that suffered horrific damage. Clarkdale Elementary School was totally lost. Two other elementary schools in the area worked very hard to get ready to receive the students and teachers. Other areas were extremely effected as well. Donations are being taken at grocery stores, churches and schools all around for so many people who suffered. Please donate clothing, school supplies, nonperishable food items, or gift cards wherever you can. Also, keep all of these families in your prayers.

It's the Mafia!

What a great night planned by Eric and Leigh Anne Lynch. Our Life Group usually gets together for dinner and fellowship once a month. This time was much different...Mafia night. From the red and white checkered table cloths, Lasagna as the meal and our Mafia costumes, this night was such a blast. We topped it off by playing the "who done it game, Mafia". A game we must get do again soon:) The gun is real, but not loaded!

Betty's Surprise 60th Birthday Party

What a great time had by all of our family at Betty's surprise birthday party. Holly and I had to be so sneaky to pull this off but somehow we managed to do it! So many people were able to come and share Betty's 60th birthday. Family, friends from church and former teachers made this night so special. Austin had fun trying to catch some video footage of the event. Thanks to Ashley Cox for getting some really good pictures for us and for all the guests for keeping our little secret to make the night truly a surprise.