Monday, April 27, 2009

Wow, what a great weekend! Inside-Out LAUNCH was our mission partner celebration that took place Wed-Sun of this past week. We had several mission partners that participated. Everything from pregnancy centers to Navajo Nation ministries; And a new start up church here close to home and church plants in the Ukraine. All of the mission partners had booths set up in the church so we could all get a glimpse of each ministry and what it is they do. So many people were involved in putting this event together. It was inspiring to see how excited everyone was to get in and help.

We kicked things off by having dinner and worship service on Wednesday evening with our mission partners. Our Life Group was paired up with Joel and Ira Colon, sweet newlyweds that serve in the Ukraine. Friday night, there was the International Banquet, where the church ate together and all the missionaries involved got to share a little about their ministry with the church. On Saturday evening, our Life Group got to mingle with Joel and Ira. Check out the pic with Eric and Mike..maybe Joel has a second calling as a rock star!!! On Sunday, all the missionaries visited different Life Groups sharing their ministry. What a great opportunity for all involved, to be able to be inspired by all of these missionaries. We all need our may be right here close to home or some far off land. God will let us know if we ask.