Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

It has been a good weekend. Austin and I headed to Birmingham Friday evening. We stayed with my dad and Betty. Saturday morning, we stopped by the nursing home where Mom had stayed to wish them Happy Nurses week. We left them some cake and fruit to show we love and appreciate them. We then met Aunt Joan to go to the cemetary where my mom, grandparents and many other family members are buried in Moundville, AL. Unfortunately, my sister Tina couldn't go with us. It was good to be with Joan and we had time to talk on our way. We arrived and put out some spring flowers for my mom and my grandparents. We talked and looked around for a while. I know it has been hard on her to deal with my mom's passing, especially being around hospitals so much since she passed away last summer. Between her mother-in-law and aunt, she has been back and forth to the hospital and staying with them. She is such a jewel. She retired a couple of years ago and I look forward to the time that she and Larry can enjoy themselves and relax. For the time being, she is wholeheartedly serving her family. We stopped back by and saw Tina and her familybefore we headed back to Atlanta. On Sunday, we went to church and had a great service, as always. Sunday afternoon, I was greeted with beautiful cards and a profile portrait of Austin that he had made at school, its precious. I know I don't have many more of these little moments:( But I will treasure them always.
After reading the following statements today, it really makes me re-evaluate what is really important..."According to scripture, only the Word of God and the souls of human beings last forever; No genuine investment in them will spoil, they are the "food that lasts".-Chris Tiegreen

*Don't work for the food that perishes, but for the food that lasts for eternal life. John 6:27

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